Dec/Jan Storm Update

Jan. 20, 2025

 December 2024 Storm Update

On December 15th our Storm players were very lucky to attend our own mini clinic/training morning in North Battleford hosted by Saskatchewan Soccer Association, lead by David McCarthy director of soccer operations with SSA. The clinic was followed by exhibition games against Battleford United and we finished off the day with some fun team-building time at Gutters Bowling Centre.


Dave’s bio:  I have been certified with my CSA A license, B license, National Children and Youth license, United Soccer Coaches, National, Advanced National, Premier diploma. I have attended FIFA Futuro and Fustal courses as well I am a certified FIFA 11+ coaching instructor.  I have a great deal of experience working with players of all ages and abilities. I bring a self motivated work ethic and endeavour to provide players with the best possible experience.


A huge thank you to all of our Clinic Day Sponsors!!

Pro-Bilt Structures for sponsoring the turf time and pizza lunch.

Joranne Safety for sponsoring the team building bowling activities after the games.

Sask Soccer for facilitating the mini clinic in the morning.



January 2024 Storm Update

Everyone is back from the Christmas break and we are so excited to be heading straight into tournament season!  Currently we have 30 players registered to our coed Storm/Travel teams ranging from U9-U15.

Eastside Champions Cup on Jan 10-12th was our first tournament of 2025. The two teams that entered had some tough competition but put in a lot of effort in every game. Coaching staff were very impressed with the players determination as well as their improvements over the course of the weekend. Congrats to Brendan Becker, Edie Toner, Reid Clow, Hudson Weese, Sophiea Velasco, Blakely Bacon, and Heitor Mergen for being awarded players of the game! 

On January 25th our U13 girls have been asked to join the Battleford United Club for a couple exhibition games against Valley and Astra. Good luck Girls!


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